In the exhibition MAY WE EVOLVE, Natascha interweaves the colonial heritage in the KIT building with a compelling visual narrative about our colonial past in Indonesia, and shows how commons offer an alternative to destructive systems such as colonialism.
A special part of the exhibition is the Houtkabinet, which is specially opened for the opening. This space, full of wooden samples of tropical trees from the former colonies, was discovered by Natascha by chance in 2021. The Wood Cabinet is a tangible reminder of the colonial past, in which deforestation and extraction were seen as a form of progress, while they also laid the foundation for the current planetary crisis.
In response to this enchanting and at the same time charged place and its history, Roger Cremers and Doina Kraal – at Natascha’s invitation – made the installation Schaduwkabinet. Schaduwkabinet is made in a tall teak cabinet that Cremers bought at an auction for 10 euros. The cabinet is divided into six compartments by the artists and something different is shown in each ‘kussen’ (compartment). Among the drawings, paintings and photographs on display is work by artists Sarah Engelhard and Kevin Mancera.
Opening: Wednesday 23 October from 16:00 to 18:30.
Location: KIT building. Entrance KIT reception, Mauritskade 64, Amsterdam-Oost.